Male House Finches bring a lovely, bright pop of color to backyard feeders throughout much of the United States. If you put out a feeder, you’re likely to see one stop in for a treat. Want to learn more about this red-breasted beauty? Check out these 10 Fascinating Facts about the House Finch:

  1. House Finches are easily attracted to bird feeders
  2. House Finches are native to the Western United States and were only found there until they were turned loose in 1940 on Long Island, New York after they could not be sold as caged birds (marketed as “Hollywood finches”).
  3. The red plumage of a male House Finch comes from pigments in its food, mainly fruits, and berries. The more carotenoids in the food, the redder the male will be, causing a range of hues in male House Finches from yellow to orange to bright red.
  4. House Finches can now be found throughout much of the United States and live in a wide variety of habitats including dry desert, coniferous forests, suburbs, and cities.
  5. When courting, male House Finches will sometimes feed females.
  6. House Finches are considered resident or short-distance migrants, living in the same place year-round or moving from the northeast U.S. to the south for the winter.
  7. Unlike most other birds, House Finches exclusively feed their nestlings plant-based foods, including seeds. Most other vegetarian birds still feed their young insects or bugs to keep their growing little ones full of protein.
  8. House Finches have an easily recognizable sharp “cheeeep” call.
  9. Despite their name, House Finches not only nest in birdhouses but will build nests in almost any convenient location and may even use an abandoned nest of another bird.

Male House FinchThe House Finch is a red-breasted songbird that is found throughout much of the United States.

House Finches LOVE to eat seed. Put a specialized seed mix designed for finches in your feeder with Lyric Finch Small Songbird Mix. Filled with canary seed, canola seed, small golden millet seed, sunflower kernels, and Nyjer seed, it will have all of your neighborhood finches stopping in for a treat!