A flourishing garden is a sanctuary for humans, providing a sense of serenity and a colorful display to take in over a cup of coffee. But have you ever thought about how you might transform your garden into a haven for our feathery friends too? If you’ve been scratching your head over what shrubs attract birds, you’ve landed in the right nest.


By adding a mix of bushes that attract birds, you will invite an assortment of colorful feathered visitors to your garden. Birds play a vital role in maintaining the balance of your garden by pollinating plants, eating pests, and even providing natural melodies to liven up your mornings.


Best Shrubs for Birds


When selecting the best shrubs for birds in your garden, one principle reigns supreme: if it’s beneficial for the birds, it’s a perfect choice for your garden.


The world of shrubs is as diverse as the birds that visit them. Different bird species have preferences for specific types of shrubs, resulting in a lively and varied garden that both you and your feathered friends will appreciate.


Let’s dive into some of the best shrubs for birds that will not only add aesthetic value to your garden but also attract a plethora of bird species.




If you’re considering what shrubs attract birds like sparrows, goldfinches, nuthatches, Indigo Buntings, and cardinals, Arborvitae is a top choice. This evergreen shrub is known for its dense, lush green foliage that makes for perfect shelter and nesting sites.


Though its foliage doesn’t typically serve as a food source, the safety and cover it offers are undeniable, making it one of the best shrubs for birds seeking to nest securely.




When it comes to blueberry shrubs, the appeal extends far beyond their value to birds. Yes, they’re a veritable banquet for feathered visitors, offering plump, nutrient-rich berries that a variety of birds — including blue jays, finches, American robins, thrushes, chickadees, the Cedar waxwing, and bluebirds — find irresistible. However, the benefits of incorporating blueberry shrubs in your garden reach beyond bird attraction.


Blueberry shrubs are a great way to promote a sustainable and organic garden. By planting these shrubs, you’ll not only provide food for birds, but also have the chance to harvest your own homegrown blueberries. These berries are perfect for pies, jams, or just a fresh, healthy snack.




Cotoneaster shrubs, with their bright red berries and dense foliage, have a dual appeal for many bird species, particularly blackcaps, bullfinches, and robins.


The vibrant berries of these shrubs, which persist through the colder months, act like a bird magnet. As well as providing a feast for a variety of birds, they also add a splash of color to the garden during the winter when many other plants have lost their leaves.




Dogwood shrubs are a double delight for any garden, bringing both an array of bird species and aesthetic charm to your outdoor space. The berries of the dogwood shrub, beloved by finches and thrushes, serve as a hearty food source, particularly in the colder months. Beyond their vibrant stems and attractive flowers that draw in pollinators, the berries add a touch of color and appeal to your garden landscape.




Willow shrubs are an exceptional choice when creating a bird-friendly garden. While they might not directly serve as a primary food source for birds, they have a secret weapon: their catkins.


These fluffy, elongated clusters attract a multitude of insects, which subsequently draw in an array of insect-eating birds like warblers, flycatchers, and even woodpeckers. The intricate food web centered around willow shrubs adds a fascinating dynamic to your garden ecosystem.


Time to Take Flight!


There you have it, a road map to creating a feather-filled paradise in your own backyard. Remember, choosing the right shrubs is your first step towards creating a bird-friendly haven. By diversifying your selection, you’ll see a fantastic range of colors, shapes, and songs right outside your window.


But, what’s a buffet without the main course? Complement the natural banquet of your garden with the nutrition-packed offerings from Lyric Wild Bird Food. Serve up some of our seed mixes and watch as your backyard becomes the hippest bird restaurant in town.


Head to www.lyricbirdfood.com and discover the range of premium bird food we’ve crafted just for your feathery visitors. We’ve got something for every bird species, ensuring your garden will be a hotspot of avian activity.