Between April and mid-May, Arizona and New Mexico are a true birder’s paradise. The southwestern U.S. lies in the path of a major migration corridor where as many as 500 migratory birds show up, making it a top springtime birding destination in the U.S.
This spring, keep the feeders filled and your eyes peeled. Here are five gorgeous species to watch for.
The southwest is a hummingbird haven. Anna’s Hummingbird, with its glorious head of iridescent pink, is a frequent backyard visitor, while enthusiastic birders travel to the border hoping for a glimpse of the rare Violet-crowned Hummingbird. The Santa Cruz Valley sees as many as 16 migrating hummingbird species, giving this area the highest concentration of hummingbirds in the U.S. Watch for the purple-headed Costa’s Hummingbird, Rivoli’s Hummingbird, Allen’s Hummingbird, and the Broad-tailed Hummingbird.

The Elegant Trogon is a beautifully colored bird that adds a pop of tropical color to the southwest. czkuf / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Elegant Trogon
Arrayed in bright oranges and deep greens, with a long, patterned tail, the Elegant Trogon brings a rare tropical punch of color to the Atascosa and Chiricahua mountains of Arizona. For more than a century, trogons have drawn scores of birders, eager for a glimpse of this jewel-toned bird. They also make for easy springtime bird watching, as they stand still for several minutes at a time and nest in old woodpecker holes. When hiking and camping, listen for their distinctive croaking calls.
Red-faced Warbler
These red-headed birds with black helmets make their way from Mexico to Arizona and New Mexico for the breeding season. In addition to being gorgeous, their behaviors are fun to watch. While foraging for insects, they’ll flick their tails open to show a flash of white, which startles resting insects into movement. And then, they swoop in for their bite of dinner.

The Lazuli Bunting is a beautiful sky-colored bird that can be distinguished by its brilliant wash of orange. Sen Yang / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Lazuli Bunting
These sky-colored birds with a wash of orange on their breast migrate through Southern California, New Mexico and Arizona as they make their way to their summer breeding grounds in the Western U.S. Migration is a great time to find them, as they flock in brushy fields to forage for food. They’ll also visit backyard feeders.
Olive Warbler
This striking songbird with the bright orange head is worth watching for in a hike in the conifer woods. Spring breeding is your best chance to see one, as males and females call and sing to each other. Learn their sounds and aim your binoculars up high.
If you don’t get out this spring to seek one of these five beautiful birds, your backyard feeder should provide ample opportunity to see something new. Lyric Supreme Mix features a hand-crafted blend of all-natural ingredients to attract the widest variety of birds.