Just because it’s too cold to be outside doesn’t mean children need to stay cooped up watching TV and playing video games. The winter months can be an excellent time to teach your children, grandchildren and kids in the neighborhood important lessons about nature. Try some of these ideas for a fun winter weekend project with your family:

Wing drawings

You can find tons of bird diagrams online to teach children the mechanics of a bird wing. Each part of the bird wing plays a crucial role in the way that birds get up and moving in the air. The children will love looking at pictures and then drawing their own.

Paper helicopters

You’ll need only a few supplies for this quick and fun craft. Simply download the pattern, trace it and follow the folding instructions. Use colorful paper and let the children decorate their helicopters before watching them twirl through the air.

Whirly Twirly Flying Birds

Help children learn how birds and airplanes fly with the help of this easy craft. To be able to fly, birds use lift and thrust. When air moves quickly across the top of their wings, the pressure causes the bird to rise. Birds then flap their wings to create thrust, which speeds them up and keeps them moving. This project lets you create your own flying birds with balloons and feathers.